
Maria August

Based in Berlin, I co-organize the milongas El Contrapunto and La Luna Improvisada, teach at Tango elements and Tango im Werden and dj at different places.

My tango journey first began in a self-organized group of wxmen, learning both roles. In Berlin, I feel part of a few tango communities. Queer tango was the first and is the most important of them, because it has space for all of us.

Anna Chi

I started dancing and exploring tango in a self-organized group of queer dancers in Berlin. Queer tango in all its facets is close to my heart, and I want to contribute to creating a space for this special and vibrant community.

We’ve started and carried out various tango projects together …

… over the last 10 years. Among them: practice groups, workshop series, a feminist tango group, milongas and tango weekends close to Berlin.

What are queer & open role tango for us?

Open role tango allows dancers to switch between leading and following roles. It emphasizes improvisation and creative expression, with partners negotiating and communicating their roles. The goal is to create a strong connection between partners while exploring different aspects of their dance style and personality.

Queer tango challenges traditional gender roles within the dance, but also has a political dimension by promoting inclusivity and questioning heteronormative traditions within society at large. By creating a space where diverse identities and expressions are celebrated, queer tango promotes acceptance and equality for the LGBTQ+ community and after all for each and every one. It serves as a form of resistance against discriminatory norms and empowers individuals to express themselves freely.

Would you like to know more?

There are some incredible free ebooks by various authors about Queer Tango, such as the Queer Tango Book and Queer Tango Futures. We advice you to browse through!

Visual Art by Romina Pernigotte

Have you noticed our logo and the illustrations on our homepage?

They were created for El Contrapunto by Romina Pernigotte. The image captures much of what tango means for us: the diversity and individuality of embraces, carried by the music through the lush landscape of emotion and imagination. Also a bit of Berlin and a bit of Buenos Aires!

In addition to her work in illustration, Romina is also a tango dancer and teacher. Learn more about her work in tango and ilustration: